【stealth】steal away是什么意思

| 创业故事 |


(把某物)偷走 英语解释
    leave furtively and stealthily 例句
      To peek furtively;steal a quick glance. 窥视偷窥;快速地偷看一眼 If you steal,you are chargeable with theft. 如果偷窃就可能被控偷窃罪. "At once Baner set up a clamour for some meat, but his grandmother slapped him and told him to keep away." "板儿一见了,便吵着要肉吃,刘姥姥一巴掌打了他去." "They rob and steal, and even threaten to overrun the whole country and turn me and the royal household out." 他们又是抢,又是偷,甚至扬言要蹂躏全国,还要把我和全体皇族赶走。 "As soon as he set off for the Middle East after a working morning session, his chair at the round-table talks was swiftly whisked away." 于是在结束了上午的工作会议,布什的座机起飞开往中东之后,他在圆桌会议上的座椅就马上被搬走了。 He kept talking away."Along with imagination, it takes nerve. The nerve to take a chance. Start something on a shoestring. 他喋喋不休。“除了想像力,还得有勇气。有了勇气就能抓住机会,哪怕有鞋带那么一点本钱也能干大事。” Run off with; steal 拐走;偷去 Compare rob,steal and burgle. 试比较rob、steal、burgle这三个词. He steal a goose,and give the giblets in alms. 作大恶,行小善。 This man is an impostor,who have steal my throne. 这个人是个骗子,他篡夺了我的王位。
