动物世界_Don't r throw the cigarette about.the dry grass easily

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  Don't r throw the cigarette about.the dry grass easily

  高二英语Unit8 First aid知识点总复习教案

  1. Talk about first aid and medicine. 谈一谈急救和医药。(p.57 Goals No.1)


  (1) aid n.帮助,援助 ① She came to my aid. 她会帮助我。② We should give some economic aid to the Third World. 我们应当给予第三世界一些经济援助。

  (2) aid v. 帮助,援助,支援 ① I aided her to continue her study. = I aided her in continuing her study. 我帮助她继续做研究。② Your advice aided her to succeed. 你的忠告使她取得了成功。

  【短语归纳】with the aid of sb. = with sb.’s aid在某人的帮助下; with the help of sb. = with sb.’s help在某人的帮助下; in aid of为了…… aid sb. to do sth. 帮助某人去做……; aid sb. in/with为……事帮助某人

  【拓展】first aid急救;hearing aid助听器;teaching aids教具;visual aids直观教具


  ★相同点:aid与help作动词时,都有“帮助”之意,有时可通用。如:I aided him in his work. = I helped him with his work.


  2. Make sure that electric wires are safe and that children can’t reach them. 确保电线是安全的,孩子们碰不着。(p. 58 Speaking ‘Dos’ No.1)

  make sure的用法

  (1) make sure that-clause确保…… ① Will you make sure that he returned? 请你查明他是否真的回来了,好吗?② Make sure that you don't upset any of them. 确保不使别人不安。

  (2) make sure of确保,确定 ① He's made sure of the time and place. 他确定了时间和地点。②We've made sure of our seats for the movie. 我们已订好电影院的座位了。

  【拓展】be sure to do... 一定会……;be sure that... 确信……;be sure of doing... 确信会……;be sure about/of sth. 对……有把握。如:① He said he was not sure about grammar and idioms. 他说他对语法和惯用法没有把握。② Mary is sure to come this afternoon. 玛丽今天下午肯定来。③ Be sure not to be late again. 务必不要再迟到。④ He wanted to be sure that he was looked after. 他要确信自己有人照顾。

  【辨析】be sure to do;be sure of doing

  be sure to do是主语肯定会做某事;be sure of doing表示主语对做某事有信心。如:① Our football team is sure to win. 我们足球队肯定会赢。② He's sure of passing the exam. 他确信考试会及格。

  3. If a pan of oil catches fire, turn off the gas and cover the pan quickly. 如果油锅着火,要快速关掉煤气盖上锅盖。(p. 58 Speaking ‘Dos’ No.2)

  1) catch fire

  (1) catch fire着火。强调动作,不与表示一段时间的状语连用。如:① When she was doing the experiment,her

  long hair catches fire. 当她做实验时,她的长发着火了。② Don't throw the cigarette about. The dry grass catches fire easily. 别乱丢烟头。干草很容易着火。

  (2) on fire着火。表示状态,可以与表示一段时间的状语连用。如:① His house has been on fire for an hour. 他的房子着火一个小时了。② The cottage was on fire last night. 这座农舍昨晚失火了。

  【拓展】set fire to sth.放火烧……; set sth. on fire放火烧……; make a fire生火; light a fire点火; put out a fire灭火; play with fire玩火

  2) turn off vt. 关掉(煤气、自来水、电灯、电视等)。如:① Turn off the tap before you go out. 外出前要关掉水龙头。② Don't forget to turn off the gas when you finish cooking. 做完饭后,不要忘记关掉煤气。

  【注意】turn off的反义词是turn on。

  【拓展】turn against背叛;turn in=hand in上交;turn into变成;turn over把……反过来;turn to转到,翻到;turn up开大(音量);turn right=turn to the right向右转;turn away from离开,避开;turn to sb. for help向某人求援;

  turn back/around转过身来;turn down拒绝;turn out生产,制造;turn out to be结果是,后来证明是

  4. Never leave small things a baby can put in its mouth on the floor or table.绝对不要把孩子可以放进嘴里的东西放在地板或桌子上。(p. 58 Speaking ‘Don’ts’ No.2)


  (1) never adv. 决不,永不,一点也不。如:① I never get up on Sunday mornings. 周日早晨我从不早起。② She's never late for appointment. 她赴约从未迟到。③ I'll never forget your kindness. 我绝不会忘记你的好意。

  (2) never adv. 从未,尚未,一次也没有(通常和完成时连用)。如:① -- Have you ever been to America? -- No, I've never been abroad. — 你曾去过美国吗? — 没有,我从未出过国。② I have never heard a speech as impressive as this. 我从未听过这么动人的演讲。③ I never had a chance to meet him. 我始终没有机会与他见面。④ She said that she had never been to the Great Wall. 她说她从未到过长城。

  (3) never跟其他副词一样,一般置于实义动词之前,be动词、情态动词之后,第一个助动词之后,如以上例句。但有时候置于句中特定词或短语之前以强调该词或短语的否定意味。如:① They spoke never a word to each other. 他们彼此未交谈一句话。② I have never met him and I hope I never will meet him.我从未见过他,并且希望永远不会见到他。

  (4) never置于句首,表示加强语气,句子的语序要用倒装。如:① Never have we workers been daunted by difficulties. 我们工人从来没有被困难所吓倒。② Never will my friends Paul forget his first teacher of chemistry. 我的朋友保罗永远不会忘记他的第一位化学老师。

  【拓展】运用这个倒装句型的否定意义的副词还有:hardly,seldom,little,not,only,not until, scarcely,no sooner,by no means,at no time,under no circumstances等等。如:① Seldom have I dreamed 0f seeing such a wonderful performance. 我简直没有梦想到看这样精彩的演出。② No sooner had he put down the receiver than the telephone rang again. 他刚放下电话听筒, 电话铃又响了。③ Under no circumstances will China first use nuclear weapons. 在任何情况下,中国决不首先使用核武器。

  【短语归纳】never so 非常;almost never 难得,几乎从不……;l never did = Well,never!真想不到! never the (后接比较级)毫不(更……) never so much as 连……都没有never mind 没关系


  never表示“不,没有”时,语气比not强;never表示“不要”时,语气较don't强。如:① He never said a word the whole two hours. 整整两个小时,他一句话也没说。

  ② Never fear. 别怕。

  Section Ⅱ 阅读

  5. The car was upside down and the driver was bleeding and screaming. 车已翻转,司机正在流血大声呼喊 (p.59 Reading 第一段第1行)

  1) upside down

  (1) upside down adv. 颠倒的,翻到过来的。如: ① The kite hang upside down from a tree. 这个风筝从树上倒吊着。② Don't hold the box upside down. 不要拿倒了盒子。③ The picture was hung upside down. 那幅照片挂倒了。

  (2) upside down adv. 杂乱地,混乱地,乱七八糟地。如:① The naughty boy turned a room upside down. 这个淘气的孩子把房子弄得乱七八糟。② Everything in the room was turned upside down. 房间里的一切被弄得乱七八糟。

  【注意】upside down也可以写作upside-down,另外与之意思相近的表达法是inside out,意为“表里相反”。如:① He wore the sweater inside out. 他把毛衣穿反了。② He put his shirt on inside out. 他衬衫穿反了。

  2) bleed

  (1) bleed vt. 出血,流血了,引申义为“为国家、正义等流血、牺牲”。如:① He was bleeding at the nose. = His nose was bleeding. 他在流鼻血。② They bled for their country. 他们为国流血牺牲。

  (2) bleed vt. (对人)勒索、敲诈钱财,类似于汉语的“让某人出点儿血”。如:He was bled for every penny he had. 他的钱被榨得一干二净。

  【拓展】bleed for 为……而流血,悲痛;bleed sb. white 榨干血汗,榨完钱财;bleed to death 出血过多死亡

  3) scream

  (1) scream v. 发出尖锐叫声,惨叫,惊叫;(小孩)放声大哭;用尖锐声音说。如:① She screamed in a fright. 她惊骇地尖叫。② They screamed for help from the window of the burning hotel. 他们从着火的旅馆窗口惊叫求援。③ The child screamed itself red in the face. 这孩子尖叫得脸都红了。④ A moment later there was a scream from the room next door. 一会儿后,从隔壁的房子里传来了尖叫声。

  (2) scream常与out连用,后接that从句,意为“大声喊叫……”。如:① She screamed that there was a snake. 她大声尖叫说有蛇。② She screamed out that there was a burglar under the bed. 她尖叫说床下有贼。


  6. People who have witnessed an accident often wish that the difference between life and death. 目击过事故的人都希望做些不同的事。(p.59 Reading 第一段 第3行) witness

  (1) witness vt. 目击,亲眼看到。如:① Did you witness the accident? 你亲眼看到那次事故了吗? ② He witnessed the battle. 他亲眼目睹了那场战斗。③ I witnessed a gang of hoodlums steal the wallet of a tourist by accident. 我偶然间看到一伙流氓扒窃一游客的钱包。

  (2) witness v. 作证,证明,成为……的证据。如:① He witnessed the truth of my statement. 他证明我的陈述真实。② He witnessed to having seen the man enter the room. 他作证说看到那个男人进入房间。

  【注意】witness to中to是介词,如witness to a fact为事实作证。His flushed face witnessed the great excitement he felt. 他通红的脸表明他很激动。

  (3 ) witness目击者,见证人,也称eyewitness。如:① The police found the witness to the murder. 警察找到了那件谋杀案的目击者。② I was called as a defense wit- ness. 我被传唤作被告证人。③ I'll give witness on behalf of the accused person. 我将为被告作证。④ These facts are a witness to his ignorance. 这些事实证明了他的无知。

  7. The most important thing to keep in mind when dealing with all emergency is to stay calm. 处理紧急情况时要牢记心中的最重要的事情是要保持镇静。(p.59 Reading 第二段 第1行)

  (1) keep sth. in mind 记住,放在心里。如:Please keep what the teacher said in mind. 请把老师的话记在心上。

  【拓展】keep in touch with 与……保持联系;keep one's balance 保持…平衡;keep the balance of nature 保持生态平衡;keep a record of 保持成绩,保留……的记录;keep sth. a secret 对……保密;keep fit = keep healthy 保持身体健康;keep sb. out of 把……挡在外面;keep off the grass 勿踏草地

  (2)省略 在时间、条件、让步状语从句中,即由when;while;as;if;till;unless等引导的从句中,如果从句的主语和主句的主语相同,或者是it be结构,可以省略从句中的主语或it be。如:① When he was walking in the street, he came across one of his friends. = When walking in the street, he came across one of his friends. ② I met her while 1 was on my way to work. = I met her while 0n my way to work. ③ He will not come unless he is invited. = He

  will not come unless invited. ④ Though he is young,he is experienced. = Though young, he is experienced. ⑤ Unless it is necessary, we must not speak Chinese at the party. = Unless necessary, we must not speak Chinese at the party.

  ⑥ If it is possible, he would want proof before be believed something. = If possible, he would want proof before he believed something.

  【注意】句中when dealing with...是一种省略形式,完整的句子应为:When we are dealing with an emergency。

  8. If we were to panic, we would not be able to help. 如果我们慌了手脚,那就帮不上忙了。(p.59 Reading 第二段 第2行)


  (1) panic n. 恐慌,恐怖,尤其指没有明确的理由而传开在群众间引起的恐慌。如:① The crowd was in a panic. 群众陷入恐慌状态。② The fire caused a panic in the theatre. 那场火灾在戏院中引起一阵恐慌。③ I got into a panic when I found the door was locked. 我发觉门锁上了时十分惊慌。

  (2) panic v. 陷入恐慌,引起恐慌。如:Don't panic, there is no danger. 不要惊慌,没有危险。

  【拓展】get into a panic陷入恐怖状态;be at panic stations惊慌失措

  9. If we know how to respond, we can save lives. 如果我们知道如何反应,那我们会挽救人的生命。(p.59 Reading 第二段 第4行)

  1) respond

  (1) respond v. 回答,对……回应,比answer 更正式。如:① She didn't respond to my question. 她没有回答我的问题。② I offered to help him, but he didn't respond. 我表示愿意帮他,但他没有回应。

  (2) respond + that-clause回答说。如:The doctor responded that he could not tell the name 0f the disease. 医生回答说他无法说出疾病的名字。

  【词汇联想】respond v. 回答,响应;response n. 回答,响应;responder n. 回答者,响应者;responsible adj. 有责任的,可靠的;responsibility n. 责任,职责;correspond v. 相当,相符;correspondence n. 相当,相符;correspondent n. 通信员,记者

  【短语】respond to a letter 复信;respond to a question 答复问题;respond with a smile 以微笑回答;respond with a blow 报以一击;in response to 回答,回应……;a sense of responsibility 责任感;take the responsibility for 负起……的责任;be responsible for 对……负责。

  2) save one's life 救某人的命

  (1) save v. 把…(从危险中等)救出来,常与from连用。如:① The doctor saved her life. 那个医生救了她一命。② He saved his child from drowning. 他救了那个孩子而使他未被淹死。③She saved an old man from the fire. 她从大火中救出一位老人。

  (2) save sb. sth. 省去某人的劳力、时间、花费等。如:① Why not do it this way? It'll save you a lot of trouble. 为什么不这样干呢?这样可以省你许多麻烦。② Will you do the shopping for me? It'll save me a trip. 替我买点东西好吗?这样我就省走一趟了。③ That saved me going Out.那我就不用出去了。

  【拓展】save one's face 保全面子;save one's skin 避免受伤;save the situation 挽回局面;save that 除了;save up 储蓄金钱;save one's honor/reputation 保全名誉/名声

  【辨析】save;rescue:save含义广泛,既指搭救某人脱离危险,也指精神或道德上的拯救。rescue多指营救某人脱离危险,还可表示从监禁中救出的意思。如:He was rescued from imprisonment. 他被人从监禁中营救出来。

  10. If a person is bleeding, we should cover the wound with a clean piece of cloth andpress on the wound to stop the bleeding. 如果有人流血,我们应该用干净的布盖在伤口上并压在上面以止血。(p.60 Reading 第一段 第3行)

  1) cover vt.

  (1) 用东西覆盖,遮盖,常与with搭配。如:① She covered her face with her hands. 她以手掩面。② The mother covered the baby with a blanket. 母亲用毛毯盖着她的婴儿。

  (2) 行走一段距离,通常不用被动语态。如:① The Red Army covered 25 000 Li on the Long March.红军长征时走了两万五千里。② She covered 1 000 metres in less than 4 minutes. 她在不足四分钟内跑完1000米。

  (3) 看完若干页书。如:How many pages have you covered? 你已读了多少页书?

  (4) 新闻记者采访、报道。如:① Many journalists were sent to cover the medical conference. 许多记者被派去采访医学会议。② He used to be sent to cover the battles during the war. 他曾经被派去做战地采访。

  (5) 谈到、涉及,相当于deal with,include。如:① The discussion covered a wide range of subjects. 这次讨论涉及内容广泛。② What are the chief points you are to cover in your talk? 你的报告主要有哪些内容?

  (6)占地多少,面积多大。如:① Our orchards cover 1 000 mu. 我们的果园有1000亩面积。② China stretches across a vast area covering the cold, temperate and tropical zones. 中国幅员辽阔,包括了寒带、温带和热带。

  (7) 掩护、保护、庇护。如:① Their planes covered their tanks which were attacking the enemy. 他们的飞机掩护他们的坦克向敌人进攻。② He covered his wife from the man's blows with his own body. 他以身体掩护妻子免遭人击。

  【拓展】be covered with 覆盖着;under the cover of 在……的掩护下;cover for=replace 代替,为……打掩护;cover up 掩盖,掩饰;take cover=shelter 隐蔽;

  2) press v. 压,压碎,压破,拥挤。如:① If you press this button, the machine will start. 你按这个按钮的话,机器就会转动。② A bag pressed hard against my back. 有个袋子重重地压在我的背上。③ She pressed grapes to make grape juice. 她压榨葡萄以做葡萄汁。④ The girl pressed through the crowd at last. 这个姑娘终于从人群中挤过去。

  【拓展】be pressed for 困于,迫于;press an attack 强攻;press one's way 奋力前进,坚持前进;at press time 到发稿时为止;freedom of the press 出版自由;the commercial Press 商务印书馆;press conference 记者招待会;pressed flowers 压花


