antibody_antiboycott law是什么意思

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反经济抵制法 例句
    And as for you,squire,as sure as you stand there,this young lady is your lawful wedded wife. 至于你,绅士先生,这年轻女子毫无疑问是你的合法妻子。 His son, of course, docilely went along.When his daughter-in-law vent home and told her mother, Mrs. Sun, however, said, "How ridiculous! 儿子当然服贴,媳妇回娘家一说,孙太太道:“笑话! Housework Service Center provides service of tutor, family doctor, private lawyer, and other service. 家务服务中心提供家庭教师、家庭医生、私人律师和其他服务。 For example, federal statutes might explicitly preempt, or explicitly waive any preemption of, state law. 例如,联邦法律可以明确的先占,或明确的取消州法律的先占. Lawsuit consumes time, and money, and rest, and friends. 诉讼使人丧失时间、金钱、安宁和朋友。 In Brazil, the creation of literary, artistic or scientific works is protected by Federal Law 9,610 of 1998. The law protects 在巴西,文学,艺术和科学作品受1998年实行的第9,610号联邦法保护。该法保护的著作权有 Furthermore, the classical philosophers found out, by successive steps, that law must be a bulwark against anarchy as well as against despotism 此外,古典自然法学家逐渐发现,法律应当是抵制无政府状态和专制主义的堡垒。 A deaf gardener, aproned, masked with Matthew Arnold"s face, pushes his mower on the sombre lawn watching narrowly the dancing motes of grasshalms 耳聋的花匠系着围裙,有着一张像煞马修·阿诺德的脸,沿着幽幽的草坪推着割草机,仔细地盯着草茎屑末的飞舞。 He would, perchance, have pitied this sick man, of the law"s making 他也许会替那个被法律伤害了的人叫屈。 British writer,reformer,and philosopher who systematically analyzed law and legislation,thereby laying the foundations of utilitarianism. 边沁,杰里米1748-1832英国作家、改革者和哲学家。系统地分析法律和立法,建立功利主义学说


