【fall out boy】fall to pieces的中文释义

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跌得粉碎,散开,坍塌 例句
    "But now experts say the ocean liner, once a wonder of the high seas, is falling to pieces." 然而最近,专家们提出这艘一度被誉为海上奇迹的远洋客轮正在逐渐解体。 By taking a constant interest in his son"s progress, he helped to keep him on the rails when so many other young men were falling foul of the law 当许多年轻人违法乱纪时,他却经常关心他儿子的进步,促使他循规蹈矩。 Just as darkness was falling, in flew the black thing with the five skeins of flax 天刚刚黑,那黑东西就飞进来了,并带来了纺好的五绞线。 After falling down the stairs, he limped for several days. 他从楼梯上掉下后,跛了好几天。 In the rainy season the clouds would bank up about midday, and showers fall with true tropical violence 在雨季,云在中午时分堆积起来,接着便以十足的热带暴雨劲头下起阵雨来。 To veer to leeward from a former course;fall off. 转至下风,向下风从以前的航向转向下风处;偏向下风 Falling rocks 当心落石 Though a tree be a thousand feet high, the leaves fall and return to the root 树高千丈,叶落归根 Fall 200 feet sheer 一直落下200英尺 If we are to deal purely with Twain the humorist, we have to fall back upon the details of his art 假如我们把马克?吐温当作一个单纯的幽默作家来看待,我们得转回头分析他的技巧。


