【break continue 区别】break down的中文解释

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9.及物动词:使分解(为);使变化(成) 英语解释
    fall apart make a mathematical, chemical, or grammatical analysis of; break down into components or essential features separate (substances) into constituent elements or parts stop operating or functioning lose control of one"s emotions make ineffective cause to fall or collapse collapse due to fatigue, an illness, or a sudden attack 例句
      Break down 垮,衷竭;损坏,故障,倒塌 " If your mobile breaks down more than twice because of a mechanical fault, we will replace it. " 如果你的手机出现两次以上的故障,我们将予以更换 If law and order break down, anarchy will result. 法治一垮,就会出现无政府状态。 Said the car would Break down, and indeed it did. 说是车会坏在半路,也确实发生了 Take apart; pull apart;break down 拆开;分解 Even this remark, made more pathetic perhaps by his breaking down in the middle of it, had no effect upon Charity. 因为说了半截儿就说不下去了,这篇话倒也许更哀感动人,可是就连这个“慈善”听了也等于耳旁风。 They have to make electricity for the machines, Repair them when they break down, and do everything Q12 tells them to. 他们被迫为机器发电,当机器出故障时修理,唯Q12的命令是从。 "We break the expenditure down into hotel , travel and entertainment cost . " 我们把支出费用分为饭店住宿、旅行和娱乐三个细目。 "If your car breaks down, just sit tight and wait for the police to come along." "如果你的车子抛锚,就留在原处不动,等警察来。" To break(a sentence)down into its component parts of speech with an explanation of the form,function,and syntactical relationship of each part. 语法分析把(句子)分解成各个组成词类,并从形式、功能和各部分的句法关系上加以说明
