[event]even if什么意思及同义词

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2.虽然 例句
    The veiled warning to players was clear-if there"s no action, more clubs will struggle or even go bust. 这是一种对球员的简单警告。如果不这么做,很多俱乐部就会很难运作,甚至破产。 A sheer,stiff fabric of silk or synthetic material used for trimming,neckwear,or evening dresses. 透明硬纱一种薄而挺的丝或合成纤维织物,用于装饰、颈部饰物或晚礼服。 "A jail is obviously a very unusual real estate offering," said Steven L. Good, chief executive officer of Sheldon Good & Co.Auctions 谢尔登-古德拍卖行首席执行官斯蒂文-L-古德说:“显然,监狱是一种非常特别的不动产拍品。” You may perhaps have some pleasant,thrilling,glorious hourss,even in a poor-house 甚至在一个济贫院里,你也还有愉快、高兴、光荣的时候。 These were slightly more even than common, and gave her a sweet, reserved, and pleasing appearance. 她比一般姑娘来得美貌。给人一种可爱甜美,端庄动人的印象。 She was young, with a fair, calm face, whose lines bespoke repression and even a certain strength 她年轻,面容娇好而沉着,但面部的神情表明她在自我克制,甚至表现出一种力量。 Films, music, dances, and audio and video recordings that even in Western countries are regarded as pernicious junk. 以至连一些在西方国家也认为低级庸俗或有害的电影、音乐、舞蹈以及录像、录音。 I have three sons, one seventeen, one nine, and one seven years of age 我有3个儿子,一个17岁,一个9岁,还有一个7岁。 Across the sands of all the world, followed by the sun"s flaming sword, to the west, trekking to evening lands 跨过世界上所有的沙地,太阳那把火焰剑尾随于后,向西边,向黄昏的土地移动。 "The scheme is well known," said the inspector; "and the abb"s plan has not even the merit of originality." “这个办法并不新奇,巡查员说道,“神甫先生看来是不能享受发明权了。”
