
| 必读书目 |


  Literary enthusiasts yesterday published a list of 100 books, at least one of which will be found on every bookcase in Britain.昨天,英国文学爱好者公布了一个100部必读书籍清单,几乎囊括了所有英国最为家喻户晓的书籍。

  The catalogue of classics includes a diverse mix of literary genres including everything from Harry Potter to Jane Eyre to the saucy novel Fifty Shades of Grey.涉及的经典各种体裁不等,包括系列小说《哈利·波特》、经典名著《简爱》甚至情色小说《五十度灰》。

  Other titles featured include Pride and Prejudice, Wuthering Heights and The Man Who Thought Different, the late Steve Jobs’ biography.另外还有《傲慢与偏见》《呼啸山庄》,以及新近出版的乔布斯传记《史蒂夫·乔布斯:那个非同凡“想”的人》。

  Autobiographies from the likes of Frank Skinner, David Walliams, Miranda Hart and even Katie Price also feature on Britain’s bookshelves.英国人的书架上常见的自传书籍主要是来自喜剧演员弗兰克·斯金纳大卫·威廉姆斯、米兰达·哈特,甚至还有模特“波霸乔丹” 凯蒂·普莱斯。

  The research was commissioned by Bookmarkyourlibrary.org.uk which trawled literary forums and websites to compile a list of books for people to select their favourites from.此项调查由Bookmarkyourlibrary.org.uk网站组织举行,在各大文学论坛与网站上展开,整理罗列了大家的最爱书籍清单。

  The book most people are likely to have gathering dust on the shelf is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by JK Rowling, followed by The Hobbit.人们最喜欢买回家放到书架上尘封的藏书是JK·罗琳的《哈利波特与火焰杯》,其次是《霍比特人》。

  Elisabeth Robinson, spokesperson for Bookmarkyourlibrary.org.uk said: ‘’Bearing in mind the first Harry Potter book was released just 15 years ago, it’s incredible that two of them are in the top ten books that appear on Briton’s bookshelves and it’s an incredible feat to beat classics like Great Expectations and Pride and Prejudice.”该网站的发言人伊丽莎白·罗宾森说:“记得第一部《哈利·波特》系列上市还是15年前的事了,真不敢相信该系列有两部到现在还排在英国藏书的前十名,远远超过了《远大前程》和《傲慢与偏见》等经典名著。”

  The survey also revealed that more than one in ten said they would never read the same book twice and one in twenty said they throw books away.调查还发现,超过1/10的人表示同一本书不会读两遍,1/20的人则干脆读完就扔了。

  And over half of Brits leave books to gather dust on their shelves, 16 per cent would take them to a charity shop and 15 pass finished books on to a friend when they have finished them.近半成的英国人任由书籍在书架上落满灰尘,16%的人会把书捐给慈善机构,15%的人则在读完后转送给朋友。

  Elisabeth continued ‘Nobody likes to see a good book go to waste and libraries have been Britain’s bookshelves for centuries giving people access to the greatest reads of all time without them gathering dust.”伊丽莎白还说:“大家都不希望好书受到冷落,而图书馆几个世纪以来一直是人们大量阅读的便利场所。”

  ‘It’s refreshing to see how varied the genres on the list are, going from classics like Little Women to Bradley Wiggins autobiography. It also goes to show that a good book, however old, will always find a new audience.’“书单上的作品体裁各异,既有像《小妇人》这样的经典名著,也有自行车名将布拉德利·维金斯的自传,真的很有意思。这也恰恰表明,经典就是经典,不论在哪个年代,总会受到人们的喜爱。”

  ‘No doubt literary aficionados will object to the likes of titles by Katie Price and Russell Brand appearing in the list, but our view is that as long as people are picking up books and reading that has to be a positive thing.“当然,也有文学爱好者反对将凯蒂·普莱斯和拉塞尔·布兰德的书收入其中。不过我们认为,只要有人爱读,那就是件好事。”

  ‘Our aim is to drive people back in to Britain’s libraries whether they are reading chick-lit, science fiction or a celebrity autobiography.’“我们的目的是鼓励英国人重拾阅读的习惯,不论是读通俗言情、科幻小说还是名人自传,都很不错!”

  The poll also found that more than one in ten Brits have lied about reading certain books. Of those a third said they pretend to have read certain titles to make themselves appear more intelligent than they actually are. And a quarter said they pretend to be more well-read than they actually are.


  Of the 2000 adults polled 18 per cent said they regularly re-read books on their shelves, but 13 per cent said they hang on to books as they like seeing them lined up on the bookshelf.参加调查的2000名成人中,18%表示自己经常重翻书架上的藏书,而13%的人则表示自己藏书仅仅是因为喜欢书籍满满当当列在书架上的样子。



