primary key|primary school什么意思及同义词

| 小学 |


1.小学 英语解释
    a school for young children; usually the first 6 or 8 grades 例句
      that would be a schoolgirl"s reason, which I consider quite beneath me 我实在没有爱过一个人,阁下,您知道的,不是吗? Brunot changed the name to Scrabble, revised Betts"s apparently complicated rules and set up shop in an abandoned schoolhouse 布鲁诺特将游戏棋改名为拼字游戏,修改了伯茨原来过于繁琐的规则,并在一间废弃校舍里开始了生产。 He is a school janitor 他是学校的门卫。 I was three years old, running behind him as he walked between the banana trees in the plantation town where he taught high school 那时我才三岁,总是跟在他的身后,穿行在移民小镇的香蕉树间。他在镇上当中学教师。 sub-reformatory;Industrial/approved school 工读学校 Every day, he trod the same path through the woods to school 他每天都要踏着这条林间的小路去上学。 In the 1930s, the irregular embroidery technique was created in the Zhengze Girl"s Vocational School in Danyang. 30年代,丹阳正则女子职业学校创造了乱针绣。 It was a love note, in Janet"s handwriting. It looked a little like a schoolgirl"s day dream note about the boy across the way. 这是一纸充满爱意的情书,上面是珍妮特的笔迹。它看起来有点像是痴痴的小女生写给对面男孩的纸条。 A CE junior school 英国国教初级学校. " In most part of China, middle schools are generally rated as key schools and ordinary schools." 在中国大多数地方,中学通常分为重点中学和普通中学。


