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menace 例句
    Since monotony has proved to be a safety hazard, traffic engineering even includes the landscape of the borders of the road. 由于景观单调已证明是对交通安全的一大威胁,交通工程学还包括高速公路两边的景观设计。 To wave or flourish(a weapon,for example)menacingly. 挥舞威胁性地挥动或挥舞(如武器) "Settle their international disputes by peaceful means and without endangering peace, security and justice," 在不威胁和平、安全和正义的前提下解决国际争端 "The elements of traditional and non-traditional threats to security are intertwined, and the scourge of terrorism is more acutely felt." 传统安全威胁和非传统安全威胁的因素相互交织,恐怖主义危害上升。 They approached her slowly, their eyes menacing. 他们慢慢向她走去,眼中充满了威胁的目光。 "It is not only repressing its own people, it is threatening people everywhere by sponsoring and sheltering and supplying terrorists." 它不只是压制本国人民,还通过资助、庇护和支援恐怖分子威胁世界各地的人民。 "Even when China becomes stronger and more developed, China will never seek hegemony or pose a threat to anyone" 中国发展和强大起来,也绝不谋求霸权,绝不会对任何国空构成威胁 "Now that the Soviet Union is dead and buried, and Russia is no longer a military threat to the West." 苏联已经瓦解,俄国也没有能力对西方造成军事威胁。 "A developed, strong and prosperous China will pose no threat to anyone. It will only promote world peace, stability and development." 中国的发展和强盛不会对任何人构成威胁,而只会促进世界的和平、稳定和发展。 To rob while armed,often at gunpoint. 通常用枪威胁以抢劫
