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postulate 例句
    "The three foundations of learning: seeing much, suffering much, and studying much-- Catherall" 求学的三个基本条件是:多观察,多吃苦,多研究--加塞罗尔 The three foundations of learning: seeing much ,suffering much, and studying much.--Willa Cather, American writer 求学的三个基本条件:多观察、多磨砺、多研究。美国作家卡瑟 Depending on prevailing conditions, these bars may move up the upper part of the shoreline and beach 由于基本条件的变化,这些沙洲可以向上移动到滨线或海滩上部。 Based on the integral preservation and the architectural characteristics, we have worked out the basic requirements of application for the World Culture Heritage. 论述了清昭陵作为历史文物建筑保存的完整性与陵寝风格的独特性,并阐述了清昭陵具备申报世界文化遗产的基本条件。 The fundamental conditions for establishing a base area are that there should be anti-Japanese armed forces, that these armed forces should be employed to inflict defeats on the enemy and that they should arouse the people to action. 建立根据地的基本条件,是要有一个抗日的武装部队,并使用这个部队去战胜敌人,发动民众。 It should accord with the corresponding requirement of the 6th postulate. 它应符合第六条基本条件的相应要求。 Moral has become the core and postulate of the corporation organization"s competition. 道德逐渐成为现代企业组织竞争的基本条件和核心
