必修一unit2单词_必修一unit2 learning about language练习题答案

| 英语单词 |


下面是www.wudu001.com五度学习网小编整理的必修一unit2 learning about language练习题答案,供大家参考!

  必修一unit2 learning about language练习题答案

  一:1.compete 2.admit 3.athlete/competitor 4.standart 5.regular basis 6.replace

  7.motto 8.responsibility 9.gymnasium 10.take part in

  二:1.B 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.B

  三:athlete,compete,admitted,standard,homeland,responsibility,olive wreath


  Answer key for Exercise1:

  1.When and where will the next Olympic Games be held?必修一unit2 learning about language练习题答案

  2.The 2008 Olympics will be held Beijing,China.

  Answer key for Exercise2:

  1.will be allowed

  2.will not be allowed,will be taken away

  3.will be allowed

  4will not be excused,will be told,will be punished必修一unit2 learning about language练习题答案

  5.will be allowed,will be find

    马说练习题及答案 《江南的冬景》练习题 集合练习题及答案 2016小高考化学答案 2016年广州一模语文答案 一站到底题库及答案 有才不能任性阅读答案 人要有五识阅读答案 会呼吸的建筑阅读答案 水果谜语大全及答案 地名谜语大全及答案 刘羽冲偶得古兵书阅读答案 睡在炊烟里的母亲阅读答案 神奇的量子通信阅读答案 笔墨童年阅读答案 巫峡赏雾阅读答案 背影朱自清阅读答案 脑筋急转弯大全及答案 花瓣飘香阅读答案 志向阅读答案


