fresh中国官网_fresh start是什么意思

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phr. 重新开始,全新的开始 英语解释
    an opportunity to start over without prejudice 例句
      Correct one"s errors and make a fresh start;turn over a new leaf;amend one"s ways 改过自新 Animated by fresh hope,he started again. 他在新希望的激励之下,又从头做起. At Berkshire, the temporarily-helpful "fresh start" adjustment inflated 1987 earnings by $8.2 million. 却让保险公司短期的盈余数字格外亮丽,光是在Berkshire1987年的盈余就增加了八百多万美金。 Turn over a new leaf; start fresh 展开新的一页;重新开始 The crew started to eke out there scanty supply of fresh water. 船员们开始节约使用储量不多的淡水。 Help an ex-convict start his life a new (or a fresh)and become a productive member of society 帮助某刑满释放人员成为一名社会有益的新人 Reports coming out of Italy suggest that the Italian- who had left Turin on loan after seeing little action under Capello- is looking to start afresh with the Bianconeri upon their imminent return to Serie A next season. 意大利媒体普遍认为这个当初在卡佩罗麾下难有表现而离开都灵的意大利人在即将来临的下赛季的意甲联赛中能够重新开始。 Let" s start afresh. 我们重新开始吧。 Affected cows should be kept in cool, darkened pens where fresh water and appetizing feed are readily available 应将病牛放置在凉爽黑暗的牛栏中,给予新鲜的饮水和促进食欲的饲料。 Catch/take sb unawares ;surprise or startle sb 使某人吃惊;把某人吓一跳
