
| 英语翻译 |


4.电视节目时间表 英语解释
    (baseball) a list of batters in the order in which they will bat a line of persons arranged by police for inspection or identification 例句
      What scripts need to be written, without a lineup, there would be chaos 需要撰写哪些底稿,如果没有一组编排计划,那就会乱成一团。 What a line-up! 多好的阵容呀! First, let me introduce to everyone both sides of today"s debate and the lineup of the debaters. 首先,向大家介绍今天辩论双方的阵容. To put(a player)into the initial lineup of a game. 使初赛使(选手)进入项目的初始队列 To play in the initial lineup of(a game. 比赛参加(项目)的初始阵容 To be in the initial lineup of a game or race. 上场处于比赛或赛跑的初始位置上 a candidate with an impressive lineup of endorsements. 一位具有大量支持者的候选人 The lineup and playing methods will be determined based on training 通过集训确定阵容和打法。 Trotman plans to build on that Mondeo infrastructure to create a whole new global lineup. 特洛特曼计划在“蒙蒂欧行动”的结构基础上创造一个全新的全球化生产网。 This lineup helped turn around the club"s economic fortunes. 这个阵容帮助扭转了俱乐部的经济状况。
