bat命令_bathing suit怎么翻译及发音

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名词 游泳衣 英语解释
    tight fitting garment worn for swimming 例句
      When two or more people"s courts have jurisdiction over a suit, the plaintiff may have the option to bring the suit in one of these people"s courts 两个以上人民法院都有管辖权的案件,原告可以选择其中一个人民法院提起诉讼 The computers of our factory are multilevel and multifunction, especially suitable for family use. 本厂电脑多档次,多功能,特别适合家庭使用。 Of various inert materials available as anodes for the electrodeposition of lead dioxide, Pt and Au are the most suitable. 在可得到的可用作二氧化铅电沉积的阳极的各种惰性材料中,铂与金是最合适的。 When she came within a score of feet of the desired goal, she saw through the window a young man in a grey checked suit. 走到离大门口还有近两丈的光景,透过窗子她看见一个穿灰格子西装的年轻人。 One morning when I was packing, I tossed the penguin in my suitcase. 一天早上我收拾行李的时候,把企鹅扔进了箱子里。 In doing ideological work, one must suit one"s methods to the situation 做思想工作必须对症下药。 De luxe suite 豪华套间 Suitable for infusion;capable of being infused. 适合于注入的;能够被注入的 At 7 a. m. on January 20, orderlies wheeled julian toward the center"s sixth-floor operating suite 1月20日早上7点,护理员把朱利安推到医疗中心六楼手术室。 mutual affection and agreement;suit each other perfectly;Agree in opinion 情投意合
