
| 英语翻译 |


1.不可数名词: 海,海洋
2.可数名词: 海
3.可数名词: 海面情况,海浪状况
4. 大量,茫茫一片 英语解释
    relating to or characteristic of or occurring on the sea or ships a division of an ocean or a large body of salt water partially enclosed by land turbulent water with swells of considerable size anything apparently limitless in quantity or volume 例句
      a privy sealed ] verdict 密封裁决书(陪审员在法官休庭后,交给法院的初步裁决) Other researchers believe a massive wave, caused by either an offshore earthquake or a distant underwater landslide, could explain the catastrophe "其它的研究人员用一次由近海地震或是远距离水下山体滑坡所 As soon as possible after consolidation, it is advisable to apply a bituminous emulsion waterproof seal over the stabilized subsoil. 固化完毕,应立即在上面泼洒沥青乳胶,形成防水层。 In the background are the fine weather with blue sky and white clouds, the waving sea of flags and the splendid green and gold Tian"anmen Rostrum. 蓝天白云,风和日丽,广场开阔,红旗如海,天安门城楼金碧辉煌。 The weather may have a distinct chill to it,But the National Football League season in America is definity hotting up. 天气很冷,但是在美国境内举行的全美橄榄球联赛却正在升温。 In the rainy season the clouds would bank up about midday, and showers fall with true tropical violence 在雨季,云在中午时分堆积起来,接着便以十足的热带暴雨劲头下起阵雨来。 As a primary disease, porcine paratyphoid only occurs in pigs under 6 months of age and mainly in piglets around the time of weaning. 猪副伤寒作为原发性疾病,仅发生在6月龄以下,主要是断奶前后的仔猪。 continued the captain, pointing to a conical pile rising from the indigo sea 船长指着耸立在蔚蓝色的海面上一片圆锥形状的岛屿说。 But when the high-tech bombers got drenched during missions in the Balkans, the tape used to fill seams in the composite skin often came loose 但当该机在巴尔干半岛执行任务时,遭到雨淋后,用于填充复合材料外壳接缝的胶带往往会松脱 querulously, my father and I were seated side by side in my uncle"s Humber 我和父亲是怒气冲冲地并排坐在伯父的亨伯牌小汽车里。
