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violet 例句
    When Julia came down, she was wearing a lavender dress 朱丽娅从楼上下来时,穿的是一身浅紫色的衣服。 A brownish - bronze,lustrous copper ore with the composition Cu5FeS4that tarnishes to purple when exposed to air. 斑铜矿一种棕铜或亮铜矿Cu5FeS4,含有当暴露于空气时会变成紫色的化合物 Have you got anything in the way of purple dacron dress, size 367 你们有36 尺码的紫色涤纶女服吗? A Eurasian lily(Lilium martagon)usually having pinkish - purple,spotted flowers. 头巾百合一种欧亚的百合花(欧洲百合百合属),通常开粉紫色、带有斑点的花 Soon the rising sun, emerging from amidst golden and purple clouds, shed his blithesome rays on the tin weathercocks of Communipaw 不久,冉冉升起的太阳,从金紫色的云层中绽现,明丽的光华,洒在康穆尼波的锡制风标上。 At last, as the clouds parted, the moon burst forth in the purple opening of heaven 最后,云散开了,一轮明月倏地从紫色的天空隙缝中显现。 There came by, on a mule with rich purple housings, an old man redolent of wealth 一个泛着铜钱气味的老人骑着带有富丽的紫色披挂的骡子走了过来。 Night was falling, the plain was cold and vague, great banks of violet haze were rising in the gleam of the twilight. 天黑了,平原一片苍凉,紫色的浓雾正在黄昏的微光中腾起。 An Indian plant(Solanum melongena var.esculenta)cultivated for its large edible,ovoid,glossy,usually purple - skinned fruit. 茄子一种印第安植物(茄变种茄),因其大的可食卵状光滑果实而被广泛种植,果皮通常为紫色 Beneath its purple pall, the face painted on the canvas could grow bestial, sodden, and unclean 在这块紫色的棺衣下,画布上的脸变得毫无人性、污秽、不洁。
