
| 英语单词 |


paste 例句
    Stick a label on your suitcase. 把标签粘贴在你的手提箱上。 Album paper: Black, brown or gray cover paper for albums, suitable for pasting photographs or other material. 相薄纸:作相薄用的黑色、棕色或灰色的封面纸,适合粘贴相片或其他物料。 Guards: (1)Strips of paper sewn between the leaves of a book on which single sheets,such as maps,etc.,can be pasted. (1)套纸条,(2)护脊:(1)缝在书页中的纸条,用来粘贴地图等单页。 Paste Link 粘贴链 Paste Keys 粘贴关键帧 Paste Frames 粘贴影格 Clay statues in the Maijishan Grottos include round carvings, deep relief, paste carvings, and wall carvings. 麦积山的泥塑有圆塑、高浮雕、粘贴塑、壁塑四种 Paste Into New Image to this Word. 粘贴新图像到这个文档。 Edit:1.Undo;2.Redo;3.Fade;4.Cut;5.Copy6.Paste 编辑菜单:1.撤消,2.重做,3.消退,4.剪切,5.拷贝,6.粘贴 Paste In Place 粘贴至特定位置
