
| 英语口语 |


wait a minute
just a minute
hold on 例句
    “Now hold on just a minute,” I heard him say. “Let the boy climb the stone walls. He has to learn to do things for himself.” “等一下,”我听他说道,“让这孩子去爬墙吧。他得学会自己去做事情。” OK, just a moment please. 好,请等一下。 That’s OK, Lily. Now we need to wait for Jim. 没关系,莉莉。现在我们需要等一下吉姆。 If you"ll wait a moment, I"ll make out your receipt. 请您等一下,我给您开收据。 "Stay, I think I told my steward yesterday to attend to this; perhaps I can render you this slight service also." “等一下,我记得昨天曾告诉我的管家,叫他去办这件事的,或许这一点我也可以为你们帮一下忙的。” This is she. Rick, you caught me at a bad time. Let me call you back later, OK? 狄克,我是杰茜。现在我没空,稍等一下再打电话给你好吗? Just a minute, it won"t take me long to change. 等一下,我很快就可以换好衣服。 “Stop an instant, Sam,”gasped Mr. Winkle, clinging most affectionately to Mr. Weller “等一下,山姆,”文克尔先生喘着说,格外依恋地吊住维勒先生。 "ben, wait a minute!" "本,等一下!" "Just a minute, "he said to Mr. Carr. "You don"t have to get anybody else into this. You don" t have to tell her. “稍等一下,”他对卡尔先生说,“你没必要把别人扯进来。你没必要告诉她。”
