
| 英语音标 |


1. 雨燕,大滚筒
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[多用以构成复合词] 快,迅速地;敏捷地
    common western lizard; seen on logs or rocks United States meat-packer who began the use of refrigerated railroad cars (1839-1903) moving very fast a small bird that resembles a swallow and is noted for its rapid flight an English satirist born in Ireland (1667-1745) 例句
      But he swiftly dismissed the kaleidoscope of memory, oppressed by the urgent need of the present 可他立即国目前的急需驱走了万花筒一样的回忆。 Also, he noticed that the Xiangjiang River was unusually swift. He hit on the idea of flooding the seven armies. 又见襄江水势汹猛,水淹七军之计,油然而生。 "As soon as he set off for the Middle East after a working morning session, his chair at the round-table talks was swiftly whisked away." 于是在结束了上午的工作会议,布什的座机起飞开往中东之后,他在圆桌会议上的座椅就马上被搬走了。 The fascists were coming eastwards swiftly, they said 他们说,法西斯军正在迅速地向东推进。 "This war will not be like the war against Iraq a decade ago, with its decisive liberation of territory and its swift conclusion. " 这场战争将不会类似于十年前对伊拉克的战争,那场战争的结论很简单,就是被占领地区的解放。 "If I were a dead leaf thou mightest bear; If I were a swift cloud to fly with thee; A wave to pant beneath thy power, and share" 哎,假如我是一片枯叶被你浮起,假如我是能和你飞跑的云雾,是一个波浪,和你的威力同喘息 "We know the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong “我们知道,身手敏捷的不一定就能赢得比赛,力量强大的不一定就能赢得战争。 With a swift kick, he sent the pistol flying. 他迅猛一脚把手枪踢飞了。 "Salamander (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis, family Cryptobranchidae) found in swift-flowing rivers in the eastern and central U.S." 又译美洲鲵。有尾目隐鳃鲵亚目蝾螈类,学名Cryptobranchus alleganiensis。见于美国东部和中部的湍流中。 Seeing this, Daedalus called frantically for him to return. But Icarus could not hear his father, for the wind was so swift it carried all sound away. 看到他这个样子,代达罗斯狂怒地喊他回来。可伊卡洛斯这时已听不见父亲的喊声,疾速的风把所有的声音都吹跑了。
