【google】go round什么意思及同义词

| 英语翻译 |


动词到处走动,顺便去,流传,长得够绕一圈 例句
    be enough;Go round 足够分配 Be careful, hepatitis is going round here 当心,这里正在闹(传染)肝炎。 "Whenever we go back to the place my wife was born, we always have to do the rounds of her relatives." 每次去我妻子的老家,我们都得要一家一家地走亲戚。 Rich and I went back to the bedroom to talk to Tom and, after a long round of yes/no questions, decided that we would go to the mall 理查和我回到卧室同汤姆交谈,经过一轮漫长的是的或不是的问答,我们决定去一处消闲散步的地方。 "And don"t go ringing round everywhere trying to find me in future, and don"t come to see me at the Yi Chung Trust Company! “你不要再打电话到处找我,也不要再到益中公司去找我! "Her thighs, too, they used to look so quick and glimpsy in their female roundness, somehow they too were going flat, slack, meaningless." 她的大腿也是一样,从前富有女性的圆满的时候,是那样的灵活而光辉,现在却是平板、驰松而无意义了。 "Over that hill is an old cellar hole, from somebody"s farm of years ago, and there are lilacs all round it "翻过那座小山,有个老地窖,几年前是一个人的农场,四周长满了紫丁香。 Soames, whose good sense applauded his sister"s acumen, said grudgingly:“Well, I’ll go round…” 索米斯看见妹妹看事这样清楚,暗暗喝彩,带着怨气说:“好吧,我去转转…” `"Tis so," said the duchess: `and the moral of that is--"Oh, "tis love, "tis love, that makes the world go round!"" “是的,”公爵夫人说,“这件事的教训是……‘啊,爱,爱是推动世界的动力!’ Billy, the stableman, was going the rounds of the walls, putting out light after light 马夫别利沿着四面的墙壁走着,把灯一盏一盏地灭掉。
