
| 英语翻译 |


2.抱有,怀有(希望、感情等) 词形变化
    名称 cherisher 时态 cherished,cherishing,cherishes 英语解释
      be fond of; be attached to 例句
        Cherish life, say no to drugs. 珍惜生命,拒绝毒品 "As a result, the values that young Singaporeans cherish are also dissimilar to those upheld by Chinese in other areas." 当然他们的价值观也有别于其他地区的华人。 It remains only to cherish, ere yet the blow fall, the lofty thoughts that ennoble his little day 因而在沉重的打击降临之前,一个人所能做的就只有珍惜那使他短暂的人世勾留成为有意义的高尚思想 Most important of all, I understand that a human being in the society must take responsibility, work hard and cherish every chance. 最重要的是.我日月白一个人要有社会责任感,要珍惜机会,要勤奋进取。 I will forever cherish the memory of mom"s face with Otto"s paw, claws retracted, caressing the side of her chin 我将永世不忘这动人的情景-- I do cherish, however, a genuine love for Peiping a love that is almost as inexpressible as my love for mother 可是,我真爱北平。这个爱几乎是要说而说不出的。我爱我的母亲。怎样爱?我说不出。 "The love once cherished in the heart of many has been chilled in this cold world, and warm-hearted persons are a rare species now." 许多人心里所原有的爱已经在这冷酷的世界冻结了,要找到有像热浪般爱心的人已经不多了。 As Earth-dwellers, we always cherish the hope that we will be visited by little green men and that we will be able to communicate with them. 作为地球上的居民,我们总存在有这样的希望“小绿人来拜访我们,而我们可以和他们交流。 She cherished such visions from day to day, until her residence in London began to become insupportable and tedious to her 她日复一日地怀着这样的憧憬,直到她认为在伦敦住下去已成为一件不能忍受和令人生厌的事情了。 Cherish a deep love for 热爱...
