
| 英语翻译 |


mistake 例句
    The boy was very tall, strong and manly for his age, and might easily have been mistaken for twenty. 就这个男孩的年龄来说,他又高又大,又强壮,像个大男子汉,很容易被误认为有二十岁了。 American literary historians are perhaps prone to view their own national scene too narrowly, mistaking prominence for uniqueness 美国的文学史家,也许把他们国家里的景象看得过于偏狭了,很容易把自己的特点误认为举世无双的东西。 arbitrators were not amused, ruling that unwary consumers might confuse these sites with the trademark holders" own 仲裁者们并不欣赏他的幽默,因为他们认为消费者或许会把他们误认为这些大公司自己的网站。 Her quiet lucidity startled him, but did not mislead him into thinking her insensible 她如此冷静而理智,使他感到惊异,但他并没有因此误认为她没有感情。 He was mistaken for a famous tennis player. 他被误认为一个有名的网球选手。 People are always confusing the twins. 人们常误认这两位孪生子。 His deliberate manner of speaking might be occasionally taken by the unwary as a reflection of the pace of his mind 不细心的人偶尔会误认为他的慢条斯理的谈话方式反映了他的思路迟钝。 It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness. ——Lev Tolstoy 人们将美误认为善的彻底程度,真令人吃惊。——托尔斯泰 Modern star gazers sometimes mistake it for the asterism known as the Little Dipper. 现代天文学家有时会把它误认为小熊星座。 The aftermath of the ten years of domestic turmoil, the difficulties left over from the past and the complicated problems that have arisen under the new circumstances have affected people"s thinking and have resulted in some confusion and misunderstanding. 十年内乱的消极后果,历史遗留的旧问题和新形势下的新问题一并影响着人们的思维,产生了一些困惑和错误认识。
