
| 英语单词 |


电影院,电影,影片 词形变化
    形容词 cinematic 副词 cinematically 单词分析
      picture从原义指银幕或电视屏幕上的图像引申指影片。 英语解释
        a medium that disseminates moving pictures a theater where films are shown 例句
          Can I go to the cinema please,mum? 妈妈,我可以去看电影吗? "I believe Betty "s right for the following reason: it "s cheap watching TV , and you do not have to go a long way to a cinema . " 我相信贝蒂的下述理由是对的:看电视更便宜,而且不必走很多路去电影院。 There used to be a cinema here,didn"t there? 从前这里有一家电影院,是不是 As a girl, she used to haunt the local cinema. 她当姑娘时,常去当地电影院。 As a girl, she used to haunt the local cinema 她还是姑娘的时候常去当地的电影院。 Cinema,esp one that is part of a complex of cinemas 电影院(尤指影院集中区的) "The Fifth Generation pioneered a new style of film making, one that was consciously cinematic." 第五代导演开创了一种新的电影表现手法,一种有意识、自觉地使用电影语言的方法。 "With the sweet smell of roses in the air, romantic films hit cinemas and love stories fill newspapers and magazines." 在这个时节,空气中弥漫着玫瑰花的芳香,影院里放映浪漫的电影,而爱情故事充斥了各种报纸和杂志。 There used to be a cinema here, use(d)n"t there? 往日此处曾有一影院,不知是与不是 But French artists tend to remain inward-looking and, in some cases—cinema, music—government subsidies encourage them. 可是法国的艺术家们往往眼睛只盯着自己,而且在许多情况下,例如在电影界和音乐界,政府的资助还助长了他们这种倾向。
