
| 英语音标 |


1. 未来,将来
2.[C] 前途
1. 未来的,将来的
    coming at a subsequent time or stage a verb tense that expresses actions or states in the future the time yet to come yet to be or coming effective in or looking toward the future a verb tense or other formation referring to events or states that have not yet happened (of elected officers) elected but not yet serving bulk commodities bought or sold at an agreed price for delivery at a specified future date 例句
      "We inform you that we have this day removed to ABC City , where all correspondence should be addressed in future." "自即日起,已经迁至ABC市,日后来函请寄该址,特此奉告" "While these underprivileged people receive help from the government, they have no high hopes for their future" 这些生活水平低下的人们虽然得到政府的救助,但他们对生活几乎不抱希望 "If the answer is the former, then we are blessed with a beautiful new society in the future." 如果是前者,那么我们未来的社会将会是精彩的。 "We have just learned of your success, sincere congratulations and best wishes for the future" "刚刚获悉你成功的消息,谨向你表示衷心的祝贺,并祝愿你日后更加飞黄腾达" "Looking into the 21st century, we are convinced that there lies an even brighter future." 展望二十一世纪,我们坚信前景将更加美好。 Stand in front of the mirror and say, "Here is our future" five times without stuttering 站在镜子前,连续5遍不间断地说:"这就是我们公司的未来"。 "In making your decision, you must look to the future." "你作决定时,必须考虑未来。" &amp;quot;Brain drain of its elites is becoming serious, as many have emigrated elsewhere for a better future.&amp;quot; 顶尖人才外流的问题也日趋严重,许多人为了追寻更美好的未来选择移民。 "Basically, liabilities are obligations to disburse cash or other assets or to provide services in the future." 负债基本上是在未来应支付或提供的现金、其它资产或服务的义务。 I hope he will do better in future.<=>I hope he will do better in the future. 我希望今后他会做得更好。我希望将来他会做得更好。
