
| 英语学习方法 |


2.把(水果或蔬菜等)装入玻璃瓶贮存 词形变化
    名称 bottler 时态 bottled,bottling,bottles 英语解释
      the quantity contained in a bottle put into bottles store (liquids or gases) in bottles a glass or plastic vessel used for storing drinks or other liquids; typically cylindrical without handles and with a narrow neck that can be plugged or capped a vessel fitted with a flexible teat and filled with milk or formula; used as a substitute for breast feeding infants and very young children 例句
        "The process was invented in 1809 by Nicolas Appert (b. c. 1750-d. 1841) of France, who used glass bottles." 此法是法国的尼可拉斯.阿佩尔于1809年发明的,他是利用玻璃瓶来保存食物的。 "bottleneck analysis: Type of analysis concentrating on bottlenecks in system, e.g. delivery systems, transportation systems." 瓶颈分析:一种对系统(例如送货系统,运输系统等)中的瓶颈进行专门分析的方法。 The Kuwait media calls the match as a "bottleneck" contest, which is going to decide the success or failure of Kuwait team 这场比赛被科威特媒体称为“瓶颈之战”,成败在此一举。 Bottleneck inflation 瓶颈式通胀 "As you please," dobbin said. "You must be my bottleholder, Osborne." 都宾答道:“随你的便。奥斯本,做做我的助威人吧。” The problem was, as the Internet grew, the public points became overburdened and traffic slowed at these bottlenecks. 问题是,随着因特网的发展,这些公共对等汇接点变得负担过重,网上数据传送在这些瓶颈处变慢。 Bottleneck(constraints) 瓶颈制约 Miss Maylie was presented to an elderly gentleman of benevolent appearance, in a bottle-green coat 梅里小姐见到一位上了年纪、慈眉善目、身穿墨绿外套的绅士。 With two hands, I positioned the bottleneck under the heavy brass opener that was bolted to the wall 瓶盖立即掉在一个老木箱里,我伸手将它捡了出来, Bottle-stopper made of cork 软木瓶塞
