
| 英语单词 |


feel embarrassed
be ill at ease
find it embarrassing (to do sth) 例句
    The doctor, taken by surprise, awkward and sheepish, knelt too 医生丝毫没有思想准备,不由得感到手足无措,不好意思,于是也跪下了。 "Some, however, may be too shy or too lazy to show a bit of smile when meeting people." 碰归碰,碰了却有如碰到墙壁,连牵牵嘴角都嫌麻烦或不好意思。 while Passepartout, abashed, kept repeating that `it wasn"t worth telling" 路路通呢,他感到很不好意思,一再重复说:“我——这不值得一提。” For instance, for the sake of social intercourse you must smoke; when someone gives you a cigarette, to not smoke is impolite and embarrassing. 比如﹐为了交际得抽烟﹐人家给了烟﹐不抽不礼貌﹑不好意思。 You feel awkward about going so you produce a phony imperial edict to drag the along with you, even saving he"s making a match for both of us! 你不好意思,假造圣旨,拉我来陪你,还说替咱们俩做媒呢! To my shame,I forgot(ie I am ashamed that I forgot)his birthday. 我把他的生日忘了,真不好意思. Suddenly, they all fell silent as if ashamed to hear their own smutty talk in the sudden quiet 蓦地大家的嘴巴都闭住了,似乎这些赤裸裸的肉感的纵谈在这猛然“清寂”的场合,有点不好意思。 I am ashamed to wear it 我不好意思佩带它。 I"m ashamed. I couldn"t tell you my love. "我真的不好意思,爱你在心口难开呀" He draws his chair back apologetically 他不好意思地把椅子挪后一点儿。
