
| 英语翻译 |


indispensable 例句
    "But if the competition spins out of control, the negative effects must not be overlooked." 但竞争过了头,则其负面影响就不容忽视。 A few produce pornography. Although there are not many of these negative works, their influence on some young people cannot be ignored. 这类作品虽然也不多,但是它们在一部分青年中产生的影响却不容忽视。 Secondly, the overly high valuation of the peso is also an indispensable factor 其次,比索定值过高,也是不容忽视的因素。 Catherine may have had her difficulties; but those of her circumspect suitors are also worthy of consideration 凯瑟琳一定有她自己的困难,但那些审慎的向她求婚的人的困难也是不容忽视的。 The Soviet military buildup must not be ignored 苏联军备的加强不容忽视。 The nutrition and health problems in the population should not be ignored. 二、居民营养与健康问题不容忽视 Technological spin-offs from growth in the space industry should not be overlooked either 此外,航天技术的发展所推动的其他科学技术的连锁发展也是不容忽视的。 Promotion is on the basis of seniority. But it is important to remember that merit also plays a part. 我们是根据工龄提升的。但是不容忽视的是,才干在这里也起着作用。 Last but not least, our thanks are due to the technicians working behind the scenes. 最后不容忽视的就是我们要对在后台工作的技师表示感谢。 She is not a woman to be trifled with. 她是一位不容忽视的女人。
