
| 英语口语 |


watercooler moment 例句
    "The shows are incredibly inventive and witty with an endless stream of gags, which is why they appeal to all ages. “动画片《猫和老鼠》中充满了不可思议的创造力和没完没了的恶作剧噱头,诙谐幽默,这就是汤姆和杰瑞之所以能吸引各个年龄段观众的原因。” He tried lecturing in California, again with great success, in the Ward style of zany inconsequence. 他在加州讲演,又非常成功,用的噱头也是模仿沃德的。 But for the businessman, it"s all "hype" 但是对于这位企业家来说,地球变暖只不过是个hype(噱头), These two state airlines have flown them at a loss (despite very high ticket prices), basically as a pr gim-mick. 尽管协和飞机的票价非常之高,这两家国有航空公司还是赔着本运营,其实只是将它作为公关的噱头。 Climbing up the church tower is a fine publicity stunt. 攀登教堂钟楼是绝妙的宣传性噱头。 He tried lecturing in California again with great success in the style of zany inconsequence. 他在加州讲演,又非常成功,用的噱头也是模仿丑角的滑稽。 The pretty girl on the cover of the pictorial is just a sales gimmick. 画报的封面上印上美女不过是吸引顾客的一种营销噱头。 doing the Southern voice, improvising it inventively as he goes along(bWilliam H. Pritchard) 他边走边模仿南方人的口音,即兴弄出不少噱头(b威廉H.普里查德) It was an advertising stunt. 这是一个广告噱头。 It was all a publicity stunt. 这完全是个宣传噱头。
