[keepalived]keep quiet的中文意思

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对...守口如瓶;不声张;保密 英语解释
    refrain from divulging sensitive information; keep quiet about confidential information 例句
      You"ve only got to bottle up your rapture, and keep Beth quiet till that blessed lady gets here. 你呢,只需按捺住自己的欢喜,使蓓丝保持安静,坐等那个神圣的夫人回来吧。 Keep shut; quiet please; silence 请保持安静 My father, clad in his underwear, stumbled sleepily to the back door and demanded that we keep quiet 爸爸穿着一件汗衫,睡眼惺忪,跌跌撞撞地来到后门,叫我们别闹。 Keep quiet;remain silent 保持肃静 Human life is.but like a froward child,that must be played with and humored a little to keep it quiet till it falls asleep(William Temple. 人类的生活…象一个固执的孩子,一定要陪着他玩且迁就他以保持安静直到他进入梦乡(威廉·坦普尔)。 "A tendency to speculation, though it may keep woman quiet, as it does man, yet makes her sad." 勤于思考,虽说可以对女人起到和对男人相同的作用--使人安静下来,但却使她感到伤感。 At the cartel’s meeting in March, ministers quietly agreed a grand new plan to keep oil within a target band of $22-28 a barrel. 在欧佩克三月的会议上,部长们通过了一个宏大的计划,试图把油价控制在每桶22—28美元之间。 While we were waiting to land, an airhostess told us to keep calm and to get off the plane quietly as soon as it had touched down. 当我们在等待着陆时,一位女乘务员叫我们保持镇静,等飞机一着陆,就立刻平静地离开飞机。 keep something quiet;Make a secret of 设法隐藏 You cannot keep her quiet for long; she"s irrepressible! 想让她多安静会儿可办不到,她总是欢蹦乱跳的!
