racket|rack up是什么意思

| 英语翻译 |


    place in a rack supply a rack with feed for (horses or other animals) gain points in a game defeat thoroughly 例句
      Crack up; split open;Burst out laughing 损坏;精神崩溃;笑得要命 Everyone started cracking up and falling out of his or her seats, laughing, as erica ran after her chalk and I stood there thinking about the answer 爱瑞卡尖声叫喊着,跑到教室后面去找寻那支粉笔,不管是男生还是女生都笑得从椅子上跌了下来。 Before the Sept. 11 attacks, Hillary planned to focus on boosting the upstate economy and tracking health hazards in the environment "9·11"恐怖袭击发生前,希拉里把重点集中在振兴北方经济,治理对健康有害的环境。 Paul cracked up after his wife died, and now he, no longer leaves his home. 保罗在他妻子去世后精神崩溃了,现在他不再离开他的家了。 If he continues to work at that pace, he will certainly crack up 如果他继续以这种速度工作,他的身体一定会垮掉的。 We tried the new supermarket last week, but it"s not what it"s cracked up to be. 上周我们试着去了一下那家新的超级市场,但它不像所说的那么好。 The airplane cracked up 那架飞机撞毁了。 Cracking is carried out in huge refinery tanks by certain materials called catalysts,which help break up the large molecules into the smaller ones. 裂化是在大的精炼槽中通过叫做催化剂的某种物质来完成的,这种催化剂帮助把大的分子分解成较小的分子。 Jim cracked up when his father told him the bad news 吉姆的父亲把这个坏消息告诉他时,他失声痛哭。 Poor little John was beginning to crack up 可怜的小约翰的身体已经开始垮了。
