
| 英语翻译 |



3.[stuck on sb.]【口】非常喜欢某人
4.[stuck with sb./sth.]【口】与不喜欢的某人[某事物]在一起
5.[get stuck in (to sth.)]【口】积极地开始做某事 英语解释
    baffled caught or fixed 例句
      Stuck at home like this,she felt like a vegetable. 像这样闷在家里,她觉得生活太单调. "Build up assets first. Then, buy the big house or nice car. Being stuck in the rat race is not intelligent." 首先增加自己的资产,然后,再购买大房子或好车子。陷在"老鼠赛跑"中不是明智的选择。 Catch (sth)(in/on sth);(cause sth to)become fixed,stuck or entangled in or on sth (使某物)固着、卡住、钩住、缠住、绊住、夹住或挂住某物 I didn"t open your letter,the envelope came unstuck. 我没有拆你的信,信封本来就没粘牢。 I wanted to tell her,but the words stuck in my throat. 我想要告诉她,只是有口难言. Two huge, hairy ears stuck up above the snowdrift 一对偌大的,毛茸茸的耳朵竖起在雪堆上。 She was wearing false eyelashes,ie artifical eyelashes,stuck to the eyelids. 她戴着假睫毛. "When you feel stuck in a rut, it is time for you to upgrade your skills." 感觉自己停滞不前的时候就是应该技术更新的时候。 Hands stuck in his trousers pockets, jarvey off for the day, singing 双手揣在兜里,唱着歌儿的那副样子,活像是逍遥自在地度着一天假的马车夫。 The bandage, stiff with pus and blood, was stuck fast to the torn muscles 绷带上满是脓血,紧粘在血肉上。
