
| 英语单词 |


副词[usually before noun]近来的;新进的 词形变化
    副词 recently 单词分析
      up-to-date一般用于非正式场合,指很时新、能反映当前的最新发展。 英语解释
        of the immediate past or just previous to the present time approximately the last 10,000 years being new in a time not long past near to or not long before the present 例句
          On my recent visit, I noticed automobiles festooned with designs woven out of coconut leaves on their fronts 这回见到车子前端,皆挂着椰叶编织的图案。 Recently, many people have posed another question: Why aren’t there any Chinese Nobel Prize Laureates in biology or medicine? 近年来许多人曾讨论的另一个问题是:为什么在生物学与医学界至今仍然没有华裔获奖者 They used to be such good friends,but recently they have drawn apart. 他们原来是非常要好的朋友,可是近来不和了。 Recently, one of Geoffrey"s closest friends asked him to make a speech at a wedding reception. 最近,Geoffrey的一个最亲密的朋友要求他在一个婚礼的宴会上作演说。 In spite of this, some people including myself-were surprised By a recent exhiBition of modern sculpture. 尽管如此,最近举办的现代雕塑展览会却使一些人——包括我在内——吃了一惊。 We have twenty branches abroad, and we"ve recently opened a new one in Bangkok. 我们在海外有二十家分公司,最近在曼谷新开了一家。 Scooby-Doo, launched in 1969 and recently made into a live-action movie starring Sarah Michelle Gellar, came second. 1969年投放市场的《史酷比》最近被改编成由莎拉·米歇尔主演的真人电影,史酷比在排行镑上排名第二。 He recently returned to malawi in Africa, where he had lived as a Peace Corps volunteer in the 1960s 最近塞罗克斯重返非洲马拉维。20世纪60年代他曾以和平队志愿人员的身份在那儿居留。 Recently, I was excited to hear that you have set up a special laboratory for the testing of photography equipment. 近日,欣闻您已创办一个特别实验室,专门从事照相器材的检验与设计实验 In this book,the author surveys recent developments in linguistics. 作者在本书中概述了语言学目前的发展情况.
