
| 英语单词 |


1. the nick 监狱;警察局
2. 裂口;裂痕
1. 在...上划刻痕;使有缺口;使有破损
2. ~ sth (from sb/sth)扒窃;偷窃
3. ~ sb (for sth) 逮捕
4. 迅速去(某地) 词形变化
    时态 nicked,nicking,nicks 英语解释
      divide or reset the tail muscles of cut a nick into cut slightly, with a razor mate successfully; of livestock (British slang) a prison an impression in a surface (as made by a blow) a small cut 例句
        Magnets attract the metals nickel and cobalt as well as iron and steel, but they have no effect on most other materials. 磁铁不仅吸引钢铁,而且吸引镍和钴等金属,但对其他大部分物质都不产生影响。 I take my car through the automatic wash, go bird watching or read"Nicholas Nickleby 我则开车去自动洗车场,出去观鸟,或是读《尼克拉斯·尼科比》(狄更斯小说)。 In reality, I didn"t get a nickle for signing 其实,签约时我一分钱也没拿到。 They nicknamed the short boy "Shorty". 他们以【矮子】的绰号叫那个矮个子男孩。 It"s second hand,but in good nick. 那是二手货,但情况良好。 A nickel sulfide mineral,NiS,usually occurring in long hairlike crystals and sometimes used as a nickel ore. 针镍矿一种镍硫化物矿物质,NiS,通常呈长发状晶体,有时用作镍矿石 Surely, I thought, the messiah himselfDif he should ever comeDwon"t niggle over nickels and dimes 毫无疑问,我想即使弥赛本人出面,他也不会如此铁面无私。 The man charged with the development of Ying"Tai, one Lei Tingchang, was a master artisan nicknamed Lei the style-setter 当时,负责修建瀛台的雷廷昌,是颇负盛名的能工巧匠,人称“样式雷”。 Many sulphides, selenides, and tellurides have the nickel arsenide"s NiAs type of structure 许多硫化物,硒化物和碲化物具有砷化镍NiAs型的结构。 He has the nickname of "young tiger." 他的绰号叫"小老虎"。
