
| 英语翻译 |


2.(使发动机)快速旋转, 加快转速
3.(使)活跃起来,兴奋起来 词形变化
    时态 revved,revving,revs 英语解释
      increase the number of rotations per minute rate of revolution of a motor 例句
        Expressed in legal language, government is nothing but an agency which may be revoked, limited, or modified at the will of the sovereign people 用法律语言来表示,即政府只不过是一种代理机构,至高无上的人民可以按照其意志而废除、限制、或变更它。 In 460, the Wuzhou mountain valley in Datong, Shanxi Province, was reverberating with the sound of iron hammers beating rocks. 公元460年,叮叮当当的铁锤敲凿声,响彻在山西大同武周山南麓的山崖间。 But, in my view, as the general trend indicates, this decision is irreversible 但是,据我看,大势所趋,这个案是翻不了的。 Someone who always says, I am going to quit, will probably stay forever. 常说"我将要退出"的人可能会永远留下来。 Nobody lives forever. 没有人会永生。 Some students in my class are forever talking. 我班上有些学生老是在说话。 Wherever the P.L.A. went, the enemy dispersed, and in less than a month, the whole province was liberated 解放军所向披靡,不到一个月就解放了全省。 Review,assess and form an opinion(about a situation,sb"s abilities,etc) (对情况、某人的能力等)进行检查、评估和鉴定 Jove gives his promise, and confirms it with the irrevocable oath, attesting the river Styx, terrible to the gods themselves. 朱庇特应允了,还发誓绝不食言,且指定冥河斯提克斯——众神听了都要发抖的名字——做他的监誓人。 But when statutes seek to avoid environmental catastrophe, can preventive, albeit uncertain, decisions legitimately be so labeled? 但是,当为避免环境灾难抛开不确定性问题而发布命令时,那些预防性的决断,被称作不负责任能算公正吗?
