
| 英语单词 |


white 例句
    A rust - brown and white sandpiper(Calidris alpina)native to northern regions of North America,Europe,and Asia. 黑腹滨鹬一种赭棕与白色的鹬(滨鹬沙鹬属)生长于北美和欧亚的北部地区 From where Winston stood it was just possible to read, picked out on its white face in elegant lettering, the three slogans of the Party 从温斯顿站着的地方,正正看得见党的三句口号,拿漂亮的字体写在白色的墙面上 His hair is silvery now. 他的头发现在变成银白色了。 If all the reagents are carefully purified, the gel is water white; no trace of yellow color should be observed 如果全部试剂都经过仔细的纯化,那么胶体是水白色的,不带一点黄色。 Covered with short,fine whitish or grayish hairs or down;hoary. 带灰白绒毛的,斑白的覆盖短而纤细的浅白到浅灰色毛或绒毛的;灰白色的 The prince rode a ,milk-white horse. 那王子骑著乳白色的马。 White meat( poultry,veal or pork) 白色肉(家禽肉、小牛肉或猪肉). Even firmly adhered stains can be removed readily; preventing whites yellowing; easily be rinsed; save water, time and labour. 本品对顽固的污垢具强有力的脱除力,可防白色织物泛黄,容易漂清,省水、省时、省力。 "White:(stationary)presence of slower vehicle on track, (waved)driver maybe seriously obstructed by much slower vehicle." 白色:(静止)跑道上有缓慢行驶的车。(挥动)车手可能会被行驶非常缓慢的车阻挡。 "It is a small-headed, silvery fish that grows to 10-12 in. (25-30 cm) long and weighs 1-1.5 lbs (0.5-0.7 kg)." 头颇小,体呈银白色,一般体长10~12吋(25~30公分),重1~1.5磅(0.5~0.7公斤)。
