calmar比率|calm down怎么翻译及发音

| 英语翻译 |


2.(使)平静下来;(使)镇定下来 英语解释
    become quiet or less intensive become quiet or calm, especially after a state of agitation make calm or still 例句
      "Calm down, sir. What"s the trouble?" "冷静点,先生。出了什么事?" "Ok, ok - just try to calm down, sir, and tell me where you are and what "s happening. " 好!好!请冷静下来,先生。告诉我你在哪里,发生了什么事 While we were waiting to land, an airhostess told us to keep calm and to get off the plane quietly as soon as it had touched down. 当我们在等待着陆时,一位女乘务员叫我们保持镇静,等飞机一着陆,就立刻平静地离开飞机。 As he calmed down, the sharpness went out of his speech. 他冷静下来,说话时火气也就减退了。 The softness of his reply calmed her down. 他温和的回答使她冷静下来。 Ease off; calm down 减轻某人之.. Settle down; make a home;calm down 定居;安定下来 Quiet down;calm down 使静下来 Really irate, and you have to try and calm them down 非常让人生气,但你还要尽力让他平静下来。 Though he felt he had to turn the idea down bluntly like this, Tu Chu-chai preserved his customary calm 杜竹斋不能不正面反对了,然而神情也还镇定。
