user-agent_User Sessions的中文解释

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访客量,一个单独用户访问一个站点的全过程,即称为一个User session;在一定时间内所有的User session 的总和称为访客量。 例句
    The account name may also be called the user ID, or the login name . 账户名也被叫做“用户ID“,或登录名”。 Leaders, experts and users attending the conference gave a very high appraisal of decision of Wangma Computer Company to selflessly contribute 对于王码电脑公司无私奉献的决定,与会领导、专家和用户给予了高度评价。 Card users;cardholders 刷卡族 Foolproof(or user-friendly)camera;instant automatic camera;point-and-shoot;Instamatic 傻瓜相机 This procedure is for reference only. For actual installation procedure, refer to the user"s manual that came with your case. 这个程序仅供使用者参考之用。实际上的安装动作可能因各家厂牌电脑机壳形式的不同而有异。 "But just as Soapy entered the restaurant, the head waiter"s eye fell on his shabby trousers and boots. " 然而苏比刚踏进餐馆大门,领班待者的目光就落在了他的破裤子烂鞋上。 "We have spare parts and products of all models needed, able to be provided to the users at any time." 公司备有用户所需各类型号的配件及产品,可及时提供给用户。 Card holders;card users 持卡族 He stood up, undoing the waistband of his trousers 他站起来,解开裤腰带。 " It is a great help to our life and work. Well, is it possible for Chinese users to enjoy the information in the Internet?" 这对我们的工作和生活都将很有帮助。不过,中国用户现在能使用其中的信息吗?
