
| 英语单词 |


region 例句
    Where the reservoir is in soil, elimination of the reservoir is not feasible but it may be possible to limit man’s exposure to the affected area. 只要土壤里有感染源,消灭感染源就不实际,但是可以限制人们接触感染地区。 intercommunal strife;intercommunal negotiations. 社区间的冲突;社区间谈判的协议 Where several groups of translators exist in a country, organized either on a regional basis or into different categories 在一些同时存在着几个按地区特点或按一定范围建立起来的翻译工作者组织的国家 A bright and intensely hot area in the sun"s chromosphere,usually associated with a sunspot. 谱班太阳黑子区附近出现的明亮和极热的区域,通常是与黑子联系在一起 When overwrite occurs, the resident section of the command processor reloads the transient portion from disk. 当重写发生时,命令处理程序的常驻程序段从磁盘再次装入暂驻存储区。 A rust - brown and white sandpiper(Calidris alpina)native to northern regions of North America,Europe,and Asia. 黑腹滨鹬一种赭棕与白色的鹬(滨鹬沙鹬属)生长于北美和欧亚的北部地区 Empirically, the distinction between active and idle balances is elusive 在实际生活中,活动余额和闲置余额的区别是难以捉摸的。 When a light passenger plane flew off course some time ago, it crashed in the mountains and its pilot was killed 不久前,有架轻便客机飞出了航线,在山区坠落了,飞行员丧生了。 China is developing into a global manufacturing base for high-tech multinationals, which will foster production and trade in the region 中国正发展成为高科技跨国企业的全球制造基地,这将会大大鼓励东亚地区生产和贸易的增长。 On a more basic level, habits like spitting and littering still persist in China" s urban and rural areas. 在一个更基础的层面上,在中国的广大城乡地区,随地吐痰和乱扔垃圾的习惯仍在持续。
