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three hundred and eighty one 例句
    "Species may be 23-30 cm high and 33-81 cm long, excluding the 5- to 23-cm tail, and may weigh 1-22 kg." 肩高23~30公分,体长33~81公分,尾长5~23公分,体重约1~21公斤。 Hello. Is that 8838180? 喂,是8838180吗? German inventor who designed and manufactured the first motorized,rigid - frame dirigible balloon(1900. 齐帕林,费迪南德·冯1838-1917德国发明家,设计并制造了第一艘机动的、具有硬式机架、可驾驶的飞艇(1900年) Cryogenics : Study and use of low-temperature phenomena. The cryogenic temperature range is from -238°F (-150°C) to absolute zero. 低温技术:研究低温现象的产生和应用的技术。低温范围曾被定为从-150℃至绝对零度。 American Loyalist painter who did portraits of John Hancock and Paul Revere before departing for England when the American Revolution seemed imminent. 科普利,约翰·辛格尔顿1738-1815美国画家,亲英而反对美国独立,在美国独立革命逼近时离开美国前往英国,在此之前曾为约翰·汉考克及保罗·里维尔画过肖像 The ? 300 movement? is the most influential one in Myanmars modern nationalist movements,which consists of three sections:the great strike of petroleum workers at Yenangyaung and Chauk in 1938-39 and 揝tarvation March ? “1300”运动是缅甸近代民族主义运动中影响最大的一次运动,这次运动由以下三部分组成:1938-1939年仁安羌和稍埠石油工人大罢工和“饥饿进军”; Tarnish induced by Porphyromonas gingivalis 381 on implant denture surface of titanium and Ti-75 alloy 牙龈卟啉菌381对纯钛及钛75合金种植体表面失泽的腐蚀 German inventor who designed and manufactured the first motorized, rigid - frame dirigible balloon(1900). 齐帕林,费迪南德 冯1838-1917德国发明家,设计并制造了第一艘机动的、具有硬式机架、可驾驶的飞艇(1900年) Take a portion of the same colonies as under 3.8.1 by means of a wire and stab inoculate a glucose agar tube. Incubate at 37 ?1 °C for 24 h. 用接种针挑取与3.8.1实验相同的菌落的一部分接种至葡萄糖琼脂试管.37?1°C培养24小时。 He it was who summoned the Second Ecumenical Council, this time at Constantinople in 381, where the Nicene Greed, the standard of orthodoxy, was drawn up in its final form. 他召集了第二次全基督教大会,这次会议于381年在君士坦丁堡召开,会议期间拟定了最终的尼西亚信经——正统派的标准。
