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1. bear的过去分词
1.(用于复合词)由…携带的 词形变化
    动词 bear 时态 bore,borne,born,bearing,bears 例句
      Another is the area between North and South America,and the third,between Asia and Australia,Includes the islands of Sumatra,Borneo and Java. 另一个是北美和南美间的油区,而第三个是亚洲和澳洲之间的地区,包括苏门答腊、婆罗洲和爪洼岛。 "As you please," dobbin said. "You must be my bottleholder, Osborne." 都宾答道:“随你的便。奥斯本,做做我的助威人吧。” "However, unlike the past, an increasing share of world trade is airborne." 不过,跟从前不同,世界贸易中占有额日益增加的是空运。 It was rather absurd, and somehow sinister, to see this social pretence in those poverty-stricken surroundings on a borneo river 在婆罗洲的一条河上,周围一片穷困潦倒的景象,还装模作样的摆谱,真有点不伦不类,简直可以说是荒诞离奇了。 "Even today, the bulk of world trade is seaborne." 即使在今天,世界贸易中有绝大部分仍是靠海运。 They"ve fixed to go to Borneo. 他们决定到婆罗洲。 The British Army used these amphibious crafts in military operations in Borneo 英国军队曾用这种水陆两用交通工具在婆罗州作过军事演习。 Dayak:a member of any of various Indonesian peoples inhabiting Borneo. 迪雅克人:居住在婆罗洲的一支印度尼西亚民族中的一员. A chain of islands included Borneo and Celebes and Java and Sumatra. 包括婆罗州,西里伯斯岛和爪哇以及苏门答辣岛的一系列岛屿。
