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2.外地人,初到者 英语解释
    anyone who does not belong in the environment in which they are found 例句
      Edward, doesn"t it seem odd that the stranger should appoint burgess to deliver the money?" 爱德华,这个外乡人指名让伯杰斯发这笔钱,这件事看起来是不是有点怪呀?" "A lonely stranger in a strange land I am cast, I miss my family all the more on every festival day" 独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲 Lin coln was a newcomer,almost a stranger. 林肯是新来的人,几乎还是个陌生人。 I have had complete strangers thrusting articles, manuals and speeches in my face, insisting that I help them with the English translation 还有一些陌生人把文章、手册、讲稿塞到我面前要我帮忙翻译 One way this can change the stranger into "someone close", greatly reduced the distant between people. 这样一来就可以变陌生人为“熟人”﹐大大缩短了人与人之间的距离。 The stranger asked for and got five cheques on a metropolitan bank--drawn to "Bearer,"--four for $1,500 each, and one for $34,000 陌生人索要到手五张由一家都市银行承兑的支票--都是开给"持票人"的--四张每张一干五百元的,一张三万四千元的。 "If anyone is unkind to her, she must say so and not treat us as strangers." "或有委屈之处,只管说得,不要外道才是." But if the cute person gazed to one side, the ventral striatum remained dormant, apparently disappointed that the stranger was clearly not interested 但是,如果这个漂亮的人眼睛望着别处,那么你的前部纹状体就会处于休眠状态,你会认为照片上的人对你不感兴趣,而感到很失望。 Many a stranger has come to my exhibition, and would have gone away blessing me, if I had let him 有许多陌生人来参观我的展出,临走的时候都会赞扬我一番,如果我允许他们赞扬的话。 Vandals are no strangers in Rome. They have been sacking the city, on and off , ever since the fall of the Roman Empire. 破坏分子们对罗马并不陌生。自从罗马帝国垮台以来,他们总是时不时地洗劫这座城市。
