
| 英语单词 |


worldwide 例句
    "In a globalize and knowledge-based economy, we are inevitably affected by new trends and materialism." 在环球化和知识经济体系里,我们难免受到新潮流和物质主义的影响。 Joyon is now in the final stages of an incredible voyage and on course to smash the existing non-stop solo round-the-world record by 20 days. 茹瓦永的惊人之旅已进入最后阶段,47岁的他将刷新世界纪录,把单人不靠岸环球航海记录缩短20天。 Move over Miss Universe, make room for Miss Captivity, a contest to pick the most attractive female inmate serving jail time in Lithuania 一边去,环球小姐,给“在押小姐”腾个地方——立陶宛即将举办比赛以选出最有魅力的在押女犯。 "Under such circumstances, if we seek success blindly, we may end up drifting with the tide in a borderless global village." 在这种情况下,如果我们一味盲目的追求成就,我们可能在这一个没有国界的环球村里随波逐流。 In Orlando,Florida,on Monday,two members of the Harlem Globetrotters set a world slam dunk record of 1l feet,eight inches. 星期一,在佛罗里达奥兰多,2位哈莱姆环球旅行者队的球员创下了篮筐高为11英尺8英寸的扣篮世界纪录。 A trip around the world is an instructive experience. 环球旅行是一种增长见识的经历。 Miss Panama Justine Pasek, first runner-up, is to ascend to the title of Miss Universe 2002 环球小姐亚军的巴拿马小姐帕塞克,将接下二○○二年环球小姐头衔。 After visiting Hollywood, Universal Studios and Beverly Hills in Los Angeles, I"ve decided film stardom is where the good life lies 参观完洛杉矾的好莱坞、环球影片公司和贝佛利山,我就认定当上电影明星就会有美好生活。 Aboard the famed Universal Studios trams, visitors find themselves inside memorable scenes from one classic movie after another 游客们登上有名的环球电影制片厂的缆车以后,会发现自己置身于一个个经典影片内使人难以忘怀的场景中。 GloBal travel 环球旅行
