
| 英语单词 |


admit 例句
    Mutual recognition 互相承认 Although she professed fear of the Russians, she seemed to have ambivalent feelings toward Philby himself 虽然她承认害怕俄国人,然而她似乎对菲尔比本人有一种矛盾的感情。 If you are wrong, you should admit your mistake and not resort to lame arguments. 错了就要承认,不要强词夺理。 Cardinal Richelieu avowed openly in his political principles, that "kings should always avoid using the talents of thoroughly honest men." 黎塞留红衣主教公开承认他的政治原则是“君主应永远避免任用绝对诚实的人材。” "The tour company refunded his deposit, with an admission that the brochure was incorrect. " 旅游公司将押金退还给他,并承认旅游宣传手册内容有误。 "I confess he asked me none." “我承认他一点都没有问我。” I must not omit to acknowledge that they were wretchedly made; for if I was a bad carpenter, I was a worse tailor. 当然,我不得不承认,不论是背心还是短裤,做得都很不像样,因为,如果说我的木匠手艺不行,那我的裁缝手艺就更糟了。 Tbe king is either a king or no king; if he be acknowledged as sovereign of France, he should be upheld in peace and tranquillity 要做国王就得象一个国王,那样来统治不然就干脆不做国王,如果我们承认他是法国的最高统治者,就必须为他这个王国保持和平与安宁。 "Meanwhile, the president carelessly opened the letter which had been brought to him “我承认这段话感动了我,也的确感动了全体委员,”波尚说。 I grant he"s been iii, but that doesn"t excuse him. 我承认他是病了,但那也不能原谅他。
