
| 英语翻译 |


super 例句
    Pernilla Wiberg won the women"s Super G in Lake Louise on Sunday,clocking a time Of one minute 17.32 seconds. 星期天,在路易斯湖举行的女子超级大回转滑雪赛中,柏尼拉·韦伯格以1分17秒32的成绩获得了冠军。 Musically challenging and lyrically honest, dangerously In Love is more than just a solo CD from a superstar 《深情挚爱》的曲调激荡人心,歌词真实诚恳,绝非仅仅是一个超级巨星的独唱光盘。 Al article;ok article 好货、优等品、超级品、上等货 A shopping trolley,eg in a supermarket 购物手推车(如超级市场中的). "courtesy card:a card that confers on its bearer a special right or privilege, as at a supermarket or bank." 优待卡:给予持有者一种特殊权利或特权的卡片;如在超级市场或银行. "Sooner or later, a stronger superpower will emerge to replace the Americans as the new world leader." 一个比美国强大的超级强国迟早会出现,取代美国成为新霸主。 "Hypertext: or hyperlink, Linking of related information by electronic connections in order to allow a user easy access between them." 超文字:亦称超级链接(hyperlink),指透过电子联系将相关的信息片断连接起来,以便用户可以方便地取用。 "You cannot pick and choose in this grocery store, but the price is usually lower than in a supermarket." "在这家杂货店买东西不能挑挑拣拣,但价格通常比超级市场便宜些。" "In this new millennium, the United States is now the sole superpower on earth." 在新千年里,美国现在是世界上惟一的超级强国。 A housewife in a supermarket, confronted by several tins of tomatoes of identical size and quality, will often pick the one nearest to her. 一位家庭主妇在超级市场里面对一些大小、质量都相同的罐装西红柿,常顺手拿取最靠近她的那一听。
