他们的土地 他们的血_他妈的英语怎么说

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fucking 例句
    It"s the only way, the absolute only way, to stir the goddam dumb public off their complacent asses and get action 这是让他妈的那些混蛋群众摆脱自满状态,起来行动的唯一办法,绝对的唯一办法。 Chien Pao-sheng"s swarthy face creased angrily. "Committee member my foot!" he exploded, crashing his fist on the table 钱葆生那紫膛脸上的横肉立刻起棱了,他捶着桌子大叫道:“他妈的委员! You know, basically being a fucking boy scout. 你知道吗,基本上就是做一个他妈的童子军。 "Damn it:Used to express anger, irritation, contempt, or disappointment." "他妈的,讨厌:表示愤怒、厌烦、轻蔑或失望." .she don"t wanna fuck on film anymore .因为她不想他妈的再拍电影了 How the devil do I know what’s to become of you? 他妈的,我怎么知道你怎么办 Oh bugger! I"ve left my keys at home. 他妈的!我把钥匙落在家里了. The kids today are so goddamn screwed up.. 今天的孩子都他妈的精力充沛... What the fuck is going on? 到底他妈的怎么回事?(比较粗鲁,口气宜为疑惑,不解,愤怒等等) I don"t care a twopenny damn what becomes of the ashes of Napoleon. 我才不管他妈的拿破仑的骨灰会怎么样呢。
