[growing io]grow up的中文意思

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    become an adult 例句
      Where power has been exercised over generations, a kind of hereditary incorruptibility grows up 有的连续几代人握有实权,但仍相继保持某种廉洁之风。 One food supplement that my mother would have snatched off the supermarket shelf, had it been around when I was growing up, is biotin. 有一样东西,如果在我长身体的时候有的话,我母亲会毫不犹豫地从超市货架上拿下来,那就是维生素H(生物素)。 And I prun"d them, and led them up to grow as much alike as I could; and it is scarce credible how beautiful a figure they grew into in three years 我把它们修剪了一番,尽可能让它们长得一样高。三年后,这些树长得体态优雅,简直令人难以置信。 "To help Singaporeans grow healthy and defeat-resistant, it would be best to let them fall in defeats and then pick themselves up again." 要让新加坡人健康地成长,勇于面对失败,最好让他自己跌倒,自己爬起来。 "When these things start to happen, it is a sign that the daughter wants her independence and the freedom to grow up." 这些迹象都表明女儿想要独立、自由。 "The pent-up discontent may grow to form abnormal psychology in them, which will be even more harmful." 而这种情绪久而久之就会发展为更可怕的变相性格。 Grow up; grow older 长大;成人;崛起 When a tree grows up, its branches grow apart 树长大时,树枝便向四处分叉 Growing up in suburbia, Grant won a scholarship to Oxford, going up to New College in 1979 他在市郊长大,后来赢得了牛津大学的奖学金,于1979年前往新学院读书。 "Xu Bing, a Senior 2 student of Beijing No.5 Middle School wants to be a doctor when he grows up. " 北京五中的一名高二学生徐冰,想要在长大后当一名医生。
