
| 英语翻译 |


    副词 rurally 英语解释
      living in or characteristic of farming or country life relating to rural areas 例句
        In the initial stage of the rural reform, there emerged in Anhui Province the issue of the ``Fool"s Sunflower Seeds"". 农村改革初期,安徽出了个“傻子瓜子”问题。 On a more basic level, habits like spitting and littering still persist in China" s urban and rural areas. 在一个更基础的层面上,在中国的广大城乡地区,随地吐痰和乱扔垃圾的习惯仍在持续。 "Faun:any of a group of rural deities represented as having the body of a man and the horns, ears, tail, and sometimes legs of a goat." "农牧师:管农牧的神,呈人形,有角、耳朵、尾巴,有时还有羊腿." "Business in both urban and rural markets was brisk, and conditions of housing and transportation for residents were further improved." 城乡市场繁荣,居民住、行条件进一步改善。 Compared with the urban residents, rural males were on average, 4.9 centimeters lower and females are 4.2 centimeters lower. 但与城市相比,农村男性平均低4.9厘米,女性平均低4.2厘米。 Among rural residents, the engels coefficient was as high as 60.8% in 1978, but dropped to 50.4% in 2001 从农村居民看,1978年恩格尔系数高达60.8%,2001年则降至50.4% How soon do they retreat to solitude and contemplation, to gardening and planting, and such rural amusements… 他们很快就隐居静思,藉栽花种树以及类似的乡村乐事以自娱… Its aims are to help small farmers, sharecroppers, and landless laborers increase food production and to stimulate rural development in general 其目的是帮助小农、佃农、无地农民增加粮食生产,促进农村的全面发展。 "Curry:american painter noted for his vigorous depictions of the rural american scene, such as Tornado over Kansas (1929)." "柯里:美国画家,以其对美国乡土风情的充满活力的描述而著称,如《堪萨斯河上的飓风》(1929年)." "The agriculture Bank of China: It was formerly a bank specializing in savings, deposits and loans in rural areas." 中国农业银行:它原是一家专门在农村从事储蓄、存款及贷款的专业银行。
