
| 英语单词 |


route (networking) 例句
    These measurements include quality risks, costs, lead-times, critical paths and others, as appropriate. 测量包括质量风险成本前置期关键路径及其它适宜的方面 "Having a continuous path between any two points. Used of a curve, set, or surface." 有连线的两点之间具有连续路径的.用于曲线、集合或表面. "When we look in a mirror, we actually see light that has traveled in a broken path." 当我们对着镜子看时,看到的光事实上是沿折断路径传播的。 EarthLink will then send the E-mail to an Internet “backbone provider”, such as CTE Corp. (GTE), to route it along is way. EarthLink随即将电子邮件发送给像GTE公司(GTE)这样的因特网主干网提供商,指引邮件按规定路径发送给收信人。 Having a slanting or sloping direction,course,or position;inclined. 斜的,倾斜的有斜或坡形方向,路径或位置的;倾斜的 Thermal insulators, which break up the heat-flow path by absorbing radiant heat, include fiberglass, cork, and rock wool. 热绝缘体以对热辐射的阻隔性来阻断热量的流通路径,包括了玻璃纤维、软木和石绵。 The otter, as knowing all the paths, took charge of the party 水獭熟悉路径,担任了向导。 In IMS/VS Fast Path,an on-line environment in which message-driven programs, and data entry data base on-line utilities operate 虚存信息管理系统(IMS/VS)快速路径中的一种联机环境,在这种环境下可以运行信息驱动程序和数据输入数据库联机实用程序。 Path Deform Modifier 路径变形修改器 A hot scent or trail 猎物气味强烈或有强烈臭味的路径(打猎用语)
