
| 英语翻译 |


名词 审阅人,尝味道者,试酒味者 英语解释
    someone who samples food or drink for its quality 例句
      One of Britain"s most exclusive grocery stores needs a new chocolate taster - and will pay 35,000 pounds (, 400) a year for the successful candidate 英国最高档的食品杂货店之一需要一名新的巧克力试吃员--成功的应聘者将得到3万5千英镑(54,400美元)的年薪。 If gelatin-type desserts are prepared without color, inexperienced tasters will find it hard to distinguish lime from cherry. 如果生产的明胶型甜点没有颜色,那么缺乏经验的品尝人员将很难区分它究竟是酸橙味还是樱桃风味
